Helping the rice farmers in Ngoketunjia, Cameroon
We trained 3 farming groups in 2013; an additional 5 in 2014 and 5 more in 2015. With SRI the farmers are finding that the average number of tillers increased from an average of 18 to 45 ! Here are some of…
ContinueAdded by Tamara on January 18, 2016 at 11:56pm — No Comments
Last year we imported rotary weeders from India to Cameroon to help the farmers; the weeders not only reduce the time taken for the farmers to weed their farms and reduce the extremely strenuous physical labour that the farmers have to put into their farms; but more…
ContinueAdded by Tamara on October 21, 2015 at 3:30am — No Comments
Last year we imported rotary weeders from India to help the farmers. The farmers found the weeders extremely useful - they helped to solve the problem of back breaking manual labour.
This year we asked the farmers to manufacture these locally; this initiative was managed by the women. The women found the workers, supervised the work and the…
Added by Tamara on May 25, 2015 at 7:00am — No Comments
One of the major problems that the farmers faced has been in being able to afford fertilizers. A lot of the time the farmers have not been able to apply fertilizers to their farms due to the cost.
With the introduction of SRI, we taught the farmers to use organic composts.
However the farmers faced again faced the problem of acquiring sufficient compost…
ContinueAdded by Tamara on January 18, 2015 at 4:00pm — No Comments
The farmers are continuing to use the techniques that we taught them last year and continue to expand the area that they will use these techniques; for example the Church Street Farmers are expanding on the use of SRI from a small demonstration plot to 5 rooms.
So for the results are exciting ; with 55 tillers per plant after just 6 weeks…
ContinueAdded by Tamara on September 1, 2014 at 12:44pm — No Comments
This year we introduced rotary weeders to Cameroon to help the farmers; the weeders not only to reduce the time taken for the…
Added by Tamara on September 1, 2014 at 12:30pm — No Comments
One of the problems that the farmers continue to face is with a lack of fertilizers. The techniques we taught them last year focused on how to choose seeds, to nurse, transplant the rice and to manage their farms. But even with these techniques to optimize yields, the farmers need fertilizers.
The problem the farmers face is that they cannot afford the fertilizers; either inorganic or organic and they do not know how make their own compost.
To help the farmers with this…
ContinueOne of the problems that the farmers raised with us was about the difficulties they are having with weeds.
To help them solve this problem we have provided them with rotary weeders imported from KGVK product and development. KGVK is the social arm of Usha Martin in India (a manufacturer of wire, rope and manufacturing items). KGVK as their social arm has been recognized as the “Best Social Development Organization” of emerging Jharkhand by the Times group of…
ContinueAdded by Tamara on July 20, 2014 at 9:30am — 2 Comments
In 2014 we will continue to provide training to the farming groups and we will train 5 new groups; 3 in Bamessing and 2 in Bamunka.
In these pictures the farmers trained last year, are teaching the new farmers about selecting the seeds and preparing the nursery…
ContinueAdded by Tamara on July 7, 2014 at 5:30pm — No Comments
Henry Ngimbu from the Centre For SRI Initiative (CSRII) from Zambia, travelled to Cameroon 3 times in 2013 (May, June/July and then December) and each visit was of 1 weeks duration. During those 3 trips he introduced the techniques of SRI to 3 farming groups.…
ContinueThis is the latest feedback from the farmers:
“Great results of SRI / NSSP as most farmers are looking at the fields performances to be like magic and me the coordinator and all the board members are proud to be the first farmers to take the challenge and we are ready to continue practicing the techniques ...”
And when we shared this Cornell…
ContinueAdded by Tamara on November 23, 2013 at 7:30am — No Comments
This is our second trip to Ndop (Province of Ngoketunjia), Cameroon for the purpose of helping the rice farmers to empower themselves by providing them skills designed to improve yields and reduce costs.
a) 216 farmers being trained by the programme
During the first trip 3 farming groups…
Added by Tamara on August 27, 2013 at 7:26pm — No Comments
We are very excited to hear that the three farming groups that were involved in the training so far have together created a SRI group in the village of Ndop, Cameroon; the "Ngoketunjia SRI Seed Programme NSSP". The group is run by representatives of the three farming groups and the individual farmers are making financial contributions towards the running of the organisation.
In telling us about their initiative their…
Added by Tamara on August 18, 2013 at 5:23pm — No Comments
After over 4 years of developing the programme and fund raising, in 2013 we finally started our activities.
Henry Ngimbu from Zambia was recommended to us by Cornell University from the US. Henry first introduced SRI to Zambia in 2005. In November 2009, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in Zambia engaged Henry Ngimbu to train farmers. In early 2010 Henry created the Centre for SRI Initiative (CSRII). In February…
ContinueAdded by Tamara on July 20, 2013 at 8:00pm — No Comments
The purpose of the visit was to ascertain the changes to the farming conditions since the survey undertaken in October 2008. We wanted to know whether our initial analysis was still valid.
In summary, there has been additional funding and development in the region due to the UNVDA (Upper Nun Valley Development Authority - the Cameroon Government rice development corporation). The UNVDA…
ContinueAdded by Tamara on May 17, 2011 at 1:22pm — No Comments
BACKGROUND: Farmers increasingly develop their own farms and as such lack basic infrastructure such as irrigation and access roads
Ndop rice is grown in the swampy alluvial Ndop plains in the Ngoketunjia Division in the North West Province of Cameroon. According to official statistics, rice farming currently occupies approximately 2,500 hectares…
Added by Tamara on November 30, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments
Started by Tamara Jan 18, 2015.
Started by Tamara. Last reply by Chenyi, Francis Jan 30, 2013.
Started by Tamara. Last reply by Tamara Oct 21, 2012.
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